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Guest Lecture on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Steps

In cooperation with IIC, DBUU, Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Paramedical Sciences is holding a
guest lecture on "How to Plan for Start-up and Legal & Ethical Steps". The goal of the lecture is to
help aspiring business owners navigate the challenges of launching a company while maintaining
moral and legal compliance.

AIM of the Event:

1. Offer insights on entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem.
2. Provide helpful advice on organizing and beginning a new business.
3. Inform participants on the moral and legal issues that are crucial to a startup's success.
Provide faculty members, other entrepreneurs, and industry experts with networking opportunities.

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 06-Apr-2024, 02:30, School Of Paramedical Sciences

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • 1.Mr. Ashith Tripathi 2.Dr. Heena Hasan Ansari,

Contact Person:

  • Mr. Ashith Tripathi,