Workshops on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) aim to inform attendees on the various aspects of IPR
and its importance in the modern world. Academic institutions, governmental agencies, business
associations, or law firms specializing in intellectual property law frequently organize these seminars.
Participants learn about the patent system, including topics like the application process, patentability
requirements, and rights granted to patent holders. To clarify basic concepts, real-world examples
such as case studies are frequently included.
AIM of the Event:
The purpose of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Workshop, which was held on March 19 and 20,was to inform attendees about the value of IPR, which includes trade secrets, patents, copyrights, and
The goal of the workshop is to increase participants' capability by giving them access to vital IPRrelated information, abilities, and resources. It enables all parties involved—researchers, innovators,
business owners, students, attorneys, and legislators—to skillfully negotiate the intricate world of
intellectual property rights. Additionally, the workshop supports knowledge-based industries,
technology transfer, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, it makes networking and cooperation between
attendees, presenters, and organizers from various fields and backgrounds easier.
Aspects of intellectual property rights (IPR) that are covered in the workshop include the patent
system, which includes standards for patentability, the application process for patents, and the rights
provided to patent holders. Case studies or other examples that highlight important ideas might be
included. Furthermore, the program can explore the subtleties of trade secrets, trademarks, and
copyrights, giving participants a thorough knowledge of IPR.
Date Time & Venue of Events:
- 19-Mar-2024, 10:00, DBIMS Seminar Hall
Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:
- Ms. Paratikshya Khadka , Ms. Poonam Gusain, 7055953527
Contact Person:
- Mr. Ankit Sati,