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Patent Filing Procedure and IP management of MSME

Students gain thorough understanding of the patent procedure from the guest lecture on patent filing,
which is essential for their course and future careers. In addition to inspiring students to seek new
ideas and entrepreneurship, which is extremely useful for their academic and professional
advancement, the lecture aims to inspire students' critical thinking and vision.

AIM of the Event:

Through information on the patent registration process, an awareness of IP management, and keeping
up to date on the most recent innovations and research trends, the guest lecture seeks to provide
students with the knowledge and skills necessary to turn their creative ideas into profitable start-ups.

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 16-Apr-2024, 11:00, Main Building Seminar hall, First floor

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • Ms. Sonia Chawla , 9897803393

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Kanchan Singh,