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IP Awareness program for Faculty and research Scholars

Any intangible product of human intellect, such as innovations, trade secrets, designs, software,
databases, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and patents, is referred to as intellectual property. We at
Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University understand the value of intellectual property rights (IPR) in
promoting innovation, safeguarding our competitive edge, and making sure that the intellectual
property of our professors, students, support staff, project personnel, and visitors is used fairly and
protected. This program's main objective is to give faculty members a thorough understanding of
intellectual property rights and their importance. Specifically, faculty will be taught about the various
kinds of intellectual property rights, such as trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

AIM of the Event:

1. Understanding intellectual property rights (IPR) is essential for promoting innovation, safeguarding
creative properties, and advancing R&D. Our goal at Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University is to teach
academic staff members about intellectual property rights (IPR), which include trade secrets,
copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Faculty members can encourage students to learn how to create
patents and copyrights, file for patents and trademarks, and contribute to the expansion of the
academic and innovation ecosystem by recognizing the importance of intellectual property rights.In
order to do this, we launch an IPR awareness campaign that addresses the following topics:
The First Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Introduction: Recognizing the fundamentals of intellectual
property rights (IPR), its significance for industry and innovation, and WIPO's role in defending and
upholding IPR.
2. Types of Intellectual Property: Examining the many forms of IPR, such as trade secrets, copyrights,
patents, and trademarks, as well as their applications in other industries.
3. Techniques for Safeguarding and Organizing Intellectual Property: Acquire knowledge of the
optimal methods for safeguarding and organizing intellectual property, such as the significance of
registering patents and trademarks and the advantages of cooperation and licensing.
4. Interactive Talk and Q&A: promoting open communication and answering queries and worries
regarding IPR, its uses, and its advantages.
Our goals in raising IPR awareness are to foster an environment where intellectual property is
respected, enable academic staff to support student creativity and innovation, and strengthen the link
between academia and the innovation sector.

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 12-Aug-2023, 11:00, Online Training Session

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • Dean R& D in association with IIC foundation,

Contact Person:

  • Dr Deepak Kumar, DEAN R & D,